How the Inflation Reduction Act Helps Working People

Many huge corporations and wealthy people have been shirking their federal taxes by exploiting loopholes and leaving workers to pick up the tab to pay for the public services that everyone needs. The Inflation Reduction Act is changing that by finally forcing large corporations and the super-rich to pay their fair share.

We have always said that it’s a simple matter of fairness. If workers across the country have to pay taxes, so should the businesses and people who hoard the most wealth. Fifty-five of America’s wealthiest corporations got away without paying a penny in federal income taxes in 2020 even as their profits were skyrocketing. With a 15% minimum income tax on the country’s largest corporations, America will make historic investments in clean energy and American manufacturing and lower health care costs that workers need and deserve.

The pro-worker majority in the House and Senate are making real changes to our economy that will help rebalance the scales and benefit all working people. It’s time we share the story of what we can get done with our allies in office.


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Local 212 Executive Board Election