JSOnline Op Ed From Former Local 212 President Michael Rosen

President Biden's student debt plan will help Wisconsin's future nurses, firefighters and HVAC techs. It's not a handout.

"The folks I know who will benefit from President Joe Biden’s student debt forgiveness program are not Sen. Ted Cruz’ 'slacker baristas'. Nor is it true that most beneficiaries would be earners 'in the top 60%' as Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson falsely claimed.

Instead, Biden’s plan would primarily help future respiratory therapists, nurses, early childhood educators, firefighters, and HVAC technicians.  These are the nation’s essential workers, celebrated as national heroes during the early days of the pandemic. Student loan forgiveness would help them crawl out of mountains of debt to possibly buy their first homes and enter the middle class.

But don’t take my word for it. The nonpartisan Penn Wharton Budget Model found nearly 75% of Biden’s proposal would benefit households earning $29,000 to $88,000 a year."

Read the article HERE


New Local 212 VP Professional Staff Lynnett Harvey


New Local 212 Deputy VP Professional Staff Peter Couto